*Steps for IB(Integrative Bargaining)
Move slowly : This is most important and most frequently violated principle. Many people feel that large concessions and extreme openness will improve the atmosphere and encourage the other side to reciprocate. Unfortunately, the other side regard these actions as signs of weakness. Then, they may raise their expectations, anticipating additional concessions.
Build trust without giving away too much
- Trust can only be built gradually.
- Giving away either information or substantive concessions almost inevitably creates some risks.
- Give them a little information or a small concessions, but insist they reciprocate.
Identify issues with clearly cooperative elements.
- Without cooperative elements, there is no opportunity for IB.
Confirm your definition of the issues.
If possible, separate cooperative issues from the competitive negotiations.
Start with the primarily cooperative issues.
- Talk in terms of problems, not solutions : Let them know what you want and why you want it.
- Encourage the other side to do the same.
- Clarify and discuss differences in priorities.
- Propose many alternatives, and discuss each one as just a probability, not the final solution.
- Select the alternative that balance objective quality and mutual acceptance.
- Listen respectfully.
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